Superior Ukulele Wood from Oregon Wild Wood

Ukulele Tonewood from
Ukulele Tonewoods online store
Luthier Ukulele Tone Woods
Ukulele Wood
Tonewood for Ukuleles
Ukulele Luthier tonewood
Luthier Ukulele Wood
Ukelele Wood for Luthiers
Luthier Woods for Ukuleles
Ukulele Wood for Luthiers

Welcome to, suppliers of superior Ukulele wood and tonewood products.

Our mission is to identify, source and supply alternative wood species which meet and exceed industry standards for hardness, stability, strength, fabrication/finish, and visual appeal. From these species, we then select those demonstrating tonal superiority when compared to industry standards.

The Ukulele woods and tonewoods we supply are all from sustainable sources, and all salvaged, reclaimed or re-purposed. Certificates of Origin for our tonewood are available and downloadable from this website.

We are proud to offer these eco-friendly products and encourage you to utilize them to create superior looking, playing and sounding Ukuleles.

Your satisfaction is guaranteed...!

Thank you for visiting.

CJ Osman

© 2022+ Oregon Wild Wood. All Rights Reserved.